The Laurens County Public Library Bookmobile serves members of the community outside of the physical library with emphasis on those who are underserved due to physical, economic, social, geographic or other barriers. The Bookmobile is a branch of the Laurens County Public Library System and operates under library policies as well as those listed below.
Factors for Determining a Bookmobile Stop
House Stop:
- Physical infirmity
- Lack of transportation
- Distance to Library
- Ability/safety of Bookmobile to enter driveway
- Servie may also be best provided by other means such as personal delivery, mail, etc.
Community Stop:
- Need due to economic, social or other barriers
- Safe place to park
- Usage - visitors and ciruclation
- Distance from the library
Facility Stop:
- Need due to economic, social or other barriers
- Safe place to park
- Usage - vistors and cirulation
- Distance from the library
Overdue fines will not be charged for items checked out on the Bookmobile. Lost or damaged items must be paid for, however the Bookmobile does not handle any financial transactions. All fines for lost or damaged items must be paid for at one of the LCPL branches.
Other factors necessitate additional changes.
Interlibrary Loan is a library material resource-sharing process. This service enables our library to borrow materials from other libraries and reach beyond the limitations of our own collections and resources.
Who can request this service?
This service is available to any Laurens County Public Library card holder who is in good standing.
How is request made?
An interlibrary loan request may be made by completing the request form available on our library website under the “Services” tab. One library card may request up to five items at a time, including pending requests.
What kinds of materials may be requested?
- Books
- Microfiche
Can an ILL be cancelled?
Because of the time, lending fees, and expense required for processing ILL requests, the patron may not cancel a request once it has been submitted. When an item is requested and comes in, and the patron is notified, there is a seven-day window for picking up the item. If the patron fails to come by for the item within that window, the library will charge the patron’s account a fee of $2.00 per request.
How long is the lending period for interlibrary materials?
The loan period for material borrowed is for three weeks. Interlibrary loan materials are not eligible for renewals.
How will ILL materials be returned? What if they are late, damaged, or lost?
ILLs must be returned on time. All interlibrary loans must be returned inside the library. Any late interlibrary loans will be assessed at $1.00 per day. If there is any damage to an interlibrary loan item or an interlibrary loan item is lost, the patron will be responsible for the lending library’s replacement cost. ILL privileges will be suspended if the patron damages or loses five items.
The Laurens County Public Library System provides six meeting spaces for the public to use for presentations and the exchange of information.
The rooms are available for use by civic, cultural, educational, governmental, and other nonprofit groups. Groups utilizing the meetings spaces must make their meetings open to the public with the exception of meeting for legal matters such as DSS, Guardians, and/or Guardian Ad Litem meetings, etc. Any community group such as homeowner’s association, youth group, religious, political group, fraternity, or sorority must be open to all members of the public and not targeted to the invitees. The use of library meeting spaces does not constitute an endorsement by the Laurens County Library System.
Library staff members must be permitted access to any meeting or event in the library. The guidelines established by the Board of Trustees and the Library Director provide the authority to approve or deny the use of the meeting spaces.
All meeting space reservations confirmed prior to the date of any revisions to this policy will be honored as scheduled.
Approved by the Board of Trustees on July 28, 2021
General Guidelines
All activities in the meeting spaces are subject to the Library’s Code of Conduct. Any violations may result in the denial of meeting space use and/or assessment of fees. Applicants may appeal the denial of meeting space usage in writing to the Library Director within fifteen (15) days of notification of the denial. The Library Director’s decision may be appealed to the Board of Trustees in writing and will be considered at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. The decision of the Library Board of Trustees is final.
Laurens County Library System sponsored events will have precedence in the scheduling of our meeting spaces. The library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a reservation within thirty (30) days prior if room is needed for a library function.
The library accepts no responsibility for damage or loss of personal items. The library is not responsible for the personal safety of any person inside or outside of the rooms.
All posted occupancy limits are determined by the Fire Marshal. Occupancy information for the meeting spaces is available on the Library’s website.
All meeting spaces are subject to federal, state, county, and municipal laws. If any violations occur, the patron’s privileges will be revoked.
Availabilities and Use
The meeting spaces are available only during the regular operating hours of the library. The spaces may not be used for socializing or for solicitation of funds, sales, business promotion, or any other profit-making activities except on the behalf of the library. No funds may be exchanged on library property, including but not limited to ticket sales, admission fees, dues, or participation fees.
Meeting spaces may not be used for workshops, seminars or programs that are the direct or indirect promotion of a business or solicitation of clients. This restriction includes a free presentation or seminar that is similar to a for-profit business service/activity, a presentation about a product, or service that would be available in the future for a cost.
Restrictions Concerning Use
When rooms are in use, lights must be on unless the projector is being used. All doors will remain unlocked and nothing can be placed on windows to hinder the view.
Certain types of decorations such as confetti, open flames of any kind, and decorations with glitter are not allowed.
No smoking or alcoholic beverages are allowed in the meeting spaces.
Any damages found by those using meeting space must be reported to staff before the use of the room. If damages are not reported, the applicant may be charged for repairs.
Failure to clean up the rooms may result in loss of future use of the room. The applicant must be present in the meeting space during the entire period of use.
Staff will not provide any assistance with the set-up or take-down of any meeting spaces.
Group has the right to rearrange the meeting room to fit the needs of their meeting. However, the room has to be returned to the original state after the meeting.
If the room is not returned to the original state, the Library Director has the right to deny the applicant’s request for the meeting spaces in the future.
Non-Reserved Use
Library patrons may use available meeting spaces on a walk-in, first-come, first-serve basis by completing a paper application at the circulation desk.
The Study Rooms can be reserved for one hour. If no one else is waiting, the patron may be allowed to extend his/her use for an additional one (1) hour.
Available Rooms
There are four different rooms which may be made available to the public. Their possible uses may vary based on their size and amenities. No food is allowed in Board, Collaboration, or Study Rooms except for bottled waters.
Hours Available (Times are subject to change)
- Monday through Thursday: 9:00-6:00
- Friday: 9:00-5:00
- Saturday: 9:00-1:00
Multipurpose Meeting Room
The meeting room is a flexible space that accommodates 80 people. This space has ten (10) tables available and television. This room has a podium and connectors for laptop to connect to the television. This meeting space is the only place where food and beverages are allowed.
Multipurpose Meeting Room permits only bottled water unless the applicant has paid the food/beverage fee.
If staff finds that any food or beverage was consumed in a meeting space without payment, the applicant will be charged the food and beverage fee plus a cleaning fee.
When food and beverage fee has been paid for an event the following rules apply:
- Coffee pots and electric food servers may be used in the Multipurpose Meeting Room. No other electrical appliances are allowed.
- Applicants are responsible for removing all food from the Multipurpose Meeting Room.
Board Room
This room can accommodate up to twenty (20) people. This room is a conference-style meeting room that can be used for tutoring and training.
Collaboration Room
This room accommodates ten (10) people. This room is great for team work and studying and group projects. The room has a television that can connect to devices with a HDMI port.
Study Room
This room accommodates two (2) people. This room is also great for group study or collaborative work. It is also good for individual work.
Reservations and Cancellations
Meeting spaces are made through the online reservation system. To request meeting space, patrons must read the newly revised Meeting Room Policy and fill out the application online. Reservations are pending until confirmed by the library through email or telephone.
To reserve a meeting space an applicant must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Be a resident of Laurens County or have special permission to use the room
- Submit a completed meeting space application
- Have a library card in good standing
Reservations may be made no more than a year in advance.
Reservations will be accepted a minimum of 36 hours in advance.
Multipurpose Meeting Room may be reserved for the same group a maximum of four (4) times a month.
Cancellations must be made at least five (5) days in advance. If a person doesn’t give adequate cancellation notice three times within a year, he/she will be denied access to the meeting spaces for a full calendar year.
All reservation periods must have sufficient time for set-up and take-down of equipment.
Reserved meeting spaces will be unlocked only for the applicant.
All meetings must end 30 minutes before the Library closes and all clean-up must be completed by the applicant by closing.
All fees are set by the Board of Trustees. All spaces are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Each requested date for any room requires a separate application and possible fee(s). The fee must be paid within ten (10) business days prior to the date recorded on the library calendar entry. Unpaid or partially paid reservations will be cancelled on the eleventh (11) day and the responsible persons shall be notified at that time.
Library meeting spaces may be used for governmental activities and educational programs that may lead to a license or certification issued by the government agency. If any government uses the rooms, no fees will be assessed.
- Library Television Rental - $50
- Food and Beverage Permit - $100
- Cleaning Deposit - $150 (This is refundable if room is left clean and in order.)
- Library Laptop Rental - $60
- Technical Assistance - $70
All fees can be paid at the Circulation Desk.
Fees can also be paid on our website.
Technical Support
Library Staff may provide general support concerning library equipment. Staff is allowed to help people for fifteen (15) minutes. If the instruction becomes more than general instruction, the applicant will be charged a technical assistance fee.
Cancellations, Late Arrivals, and Refunds
Applicants must notify staff when he/she will be arriving late. The staff has the right to cancel the reservation when the applicant is thirty (30) or more minutes late.
If cancellation is done in accordance with the stated guidelines, applicants can submit for a refund for any fees he/she has paid. Repeat late arrivals, cancellations, or no shows will result in denial of using the meeting spaces.
Groups will not be permitted to post any signs or materials on library property without the approval of the Library Director.
The library will not advertise or promote any meeting without approval of the Library Director.
The name nor the address of the library may be used as the official address of an individual or organization.
Groups shall not use Laurens County Library System’s logo in any publicity.
Unauthorized signs will be removed from the property.
This policy illustrates the library’s role in providing internet services to our patrons. This policy will inform our patrons of their responsibilities associated with using the internet in the library.
Internet use in the library means using our network to access the internet through our workstations or wireless connection.
Internet access is essential in Laurens County Public Library’s mission statement to educate, empower, and entertain our community.
The internet allows patrons to:
- Create content
- Explore different resources and services
- Have an environment to engage with others
- Educate themselves on different subjects Laurens County Public
Library provides access to the internet in accordance with Federal and State Laws and policies of the Laurens County Board of Trustees.
Public access to the internet is available to all library locations through workstations and wireless access points.
The library provides software that filters out proxy sites and sites that might have a security risk to the network.
These filters are used to resist obscene materials. The filtering software may restrict access to legitimate research sites. This software does not guarantee that all sites that pose security risks will be blocked.
The Laurens County Public Library Board of Trustees and staff assume no responsibility for damages of any type arising from patron use of the internet through the library’s network.
The following activities are prohibited when using library computers and wireless access:
- Bypassing, the attempt to bypass, or the instruction to other users on how to bypass the electronic internet filtering system or the time/reservation management system.
- Changing or adding programs or executable files to the library computer.
- Sending or displaying obscene or disruptive messages, files, or images, or use of obscene language.
- Violating copyright laws or software licensing agreements
- Violating state, federal, or local laws or the rules and regulations for conduct in libraries.
Users must agree to the above guidelines when accessing the Internet by reviewing the opening page and clicking “I accept.”
Failure to use the computers appropriately and responsibly, as defined on the opening page agreement, will result in revocation of computer/internet use privileges and library use privileges.
Illegal and unacceptable use may result in criminal prosecution as well.
Library laptops and electronic equipment are available for academic and professional communication use only, such as taking online classes, presentations, or private examinations. All the above regulations also apply to the usage of laptops or smart devices in the library and within the sphere of the provided wireless network.
Patron Responsibilities
Patrons understand that the content on the internet is not managed by any entity, and therefore they may encounter materials that are not accurate or might be considered offensive.
Patrons acknowledge that the library cannot protect the privacy of data.
Parent and Guardian Responsibility
Valuable educational and informational resources for children and youth can be found through the Internet and other electronic databases; however, material inappropriate for children is on the Internet, and although all public access computers are filtered, no electronic filter is 100% effective.
Parents are strongly encouraged to supervise their children’s Internet use to prevent access by minors to inappropriate matters on the Internet; to promote the safety and security of minors when using e-mail, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications; to prevent hacking or other unlawful activities, and unauthorized dissemination of personal information.
To promote safety and parental supervision.
- Children age nine and under cannot use the internet access computers unless their parent or a responsible caretaker is present.
- Children under the age of eighteen must have a library card.
- Guest passes will not be issued for children under the age of 18.
Violations may result in a loss of internet access and appropriate legal action.
Conditions and Terms of Use
Patrons must log in to the computers with their library cards.
Visitors that are not residents of Laurens County may be issued a guest pass by showing a photo ID.
Each computer session is sixty minutes and may be extended by the number of computers available.
Library staff will assist patrons with computers if the manner is consistent with the library services and the availability of staff.
Patron Needs and Services
The mission of the Laurens County Public Library System is to provide a full range of library services to individuals of all ages. The library service will not be denied or abridged because of race, religion, age, gender, handicap conditions, national origin, belief, social and/or political views The library strives to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all of our patrons, to provide a pleasant and orderly facility conducive to effective use of library services and materials.
The administration has the responsibility of assuring a pleasant experience for all library users. To meet this responsibility, the library staff will identify behavior that infringes on the rights of patrons or staff and/or threatens the safety of library property. The library staff will then deal with the behavior according to the guidelines of this policy, and may contact law enforcement when deemed appropriate.
An individual excluded from the Library property may appeal in writing to the Library Director. Decisions of the Director may be appealed in writing to the Library Board.
Approved by the Board of Trustees on 4/28/2021
The following actions are prohibited anywhere on Library property
- Engaging in violent or aggressive behavior, including fighting or any type of physical violence.
- Conduct that threatens, harasses, or endangers another patron or staff member is prohibited. Harassment may include, but is not limited to, persistent staring, unwanted conversations, following, or taking unwanted photographs. Making threats, stalking, or sexual harassment toward staff or other patrons will result in immediate expulsion from library and involvement of law enforcement.
- Theft, destruction or damaging materials, furniture, or other property belonging to the library, staff, or other patrons.
- Using obscene, abusive language, horseplay, running or engaging in inappropriate action toward staff or patrons.
- Possessing, consuming, or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.
- Smoking, other use of tobacco products or use of electronic cigarettes or vaping products in or near buildings.
- Drinks that are not in closed containers such as covered cups, or plastic bottles
- Possession of weapons of any type. Concealed weapons are not permitted.
- Bringing animals or pets into the library except for service animals.
- Leaving a child under 11 years of age unattended by a responsible person. See Child Safety Policy.
- Entering the library without footwear and clothes that cover the lower and upper parts of the body. Babies that are being carried are exempt from the shoe requirement.
- Disruptive use of cell phones or other electronic devices. Users are asked to set cell phones on silent or vibrate and receive or make calls in foyer, study room, or outside of the library.
- Entering library prior to opening, refusing to leave library at closing time, or entering a non-public area without permission from library staff.
- Consumption of unauthorized food, babies that are carried are exempt from this requirement.
- Congregating around the entrance/exits or any other library property in a manner that blocks easy access to the library’s facility for patrons or staff
- Selling and/or soliciting for services, money, or items.
- Any other illegal acts or conduct in violation of Federal, State, or local law, ordinance, or regulation.
- Failure to follow the Library’s Computer Use Policy
- Leaving vulnerable individuals (i.e. individuals with a mental or physical impairment who are unable to protect themselves from abuse or exploitation or comprehend and comply with library policies)
- Misusing the restrooms. This includes: drinking, using drugs, sexual activities, and loitering.
Library employees are in charge of facilities and have the authority to enforce these regulations, and to address other situations that may arise.
Failure to comply with the Library’s established rules and regulations may result in exclusion from the Library and notification of law enforcement authorities, pursuant to SC Code of Laws 16-11-625.
Public library trespass, warning, appeal, penalties
SECTION 1. Article 7, Chapter 11, Title 16 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
"Section 16-11-625. (A)(1) A person who enters a public library, without legal cause or good excuse, after having been warned not to do so by the library director, the branch manager, or the acting branch manager of the library in consultation with the library director is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than two hundred dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days.
(2) A copy of the warning provided for by subsection (A)(1) must be given to the person in writing, in the presence of a law enforcement officer, and must state:
(a) the alleged criminal law violation or the alleged violation of the library's code of conduct promulgated by the library's board of trustees under the authority provided by Section 4-9-37(b);
(b) the duration of the prohibition to return; and
(c) the procedure by which the person may appeal the warning to the library board of trustees. The person receiving notice of trespass wishing to appeal the notice must submit a request for a hearing to the board within five business days of receiving the notice. The board of trustees of the library must then provide a hearing within ten business days of the request for an appeal.
(B) A violation of the provisions of this section is triable in the appropriate municipal or magistrates court with jurisdiction over the offense. Any law enforcement officer of this State or a subdivision of this State may enforce the provisions of this section within their respective jurisdictions.
(C) The provisions of this section must be construed as in addition to, and not as superseding, another statute relating to trespass or unlawful entry on lands of another.
Patron Needs and Services
It is the policy of the Laurens County Public Library to provide library materials that will meet the needs and interests of the people of Laurens County from an educational, informational, cultural and recreational standpoint, regardless of origin, age, background or views. Because of the volume of material available as well as the limitations of budget and space, the library must have a collection development policy with which to meet community needs and interests.
The Laurens County Public Library subscribes to the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights, Intellectual Freedom Statement, the Freedom to Read Statement and to principles set forth in the South Carolina Intellectual Freedom Handbook of 1992.
Intellectual freedom embodies the right to express personal beliefs and ideas through any medium of communication; it also provides that every citizen has the right of access to all information and ideas in whatever form they have been communicated. Freedom of speech and press as ensured by the First Amendment have always been essential elements of our constitutional republic and are necessary for a free and informed electorate. Libraries are in a unique position to provide access to information and to give substance to the right of freedom to read, Libraries have a special obligation to ensure representative collections and to safeguard community access to library materials.
Description of Current Collection
It is the goal of the Laurens County Library to keep its collection of materials current and useful. With the exception of the South Carolina and Laurens County Historical Collections, it is not the purpose of this library to build scholarly or definitive collections in any subject areas. This library will attempt to add items that are deemed of quality and published by reputable publishers, but it is not the role of the library to discriminate against or pass judgment on the needs, views or interests of individual patrons.
Final approval of materials to be purchased by the library will be made by the Library Director, Assistant Director, Collection Development Librarian, Children's Librarian and/or the Bookmobile Coordinator. Recommendations and requests from individual citizens are encouraged. These requests will be reviewed as to whether the materials should actually be purchased for the library or whether the materials should be obtained for the patron through interlibrary loan.
The collection currently contains approximately 138,000 physical items including books, periodicals, audiobooks, and videos available to all of the residents of Laurens County.
The library makes concerted effort to provide nonfiction titles of current interests as well as popular and high-quality fiction titles for all age groups. We also offer eBooks and eAudiobooks though our Jasmine Digital Library consortium. Additionally, we provide access to the SC Virtual Library of DISCUS eresources and databases as well as to and HeritageQuest databases. Maps, microforms, pamphlets and some archival collections are available in the SC Room as well. Depending on current objectives of the institution and available funds, the library will not necessarily have all these various types of sources available.
The library adds approximately 9,000 new items per year. Obsolete materials are deaccessioned. Our goal is not to increase number of physical items as much as to update and improve the quality of physical holdings.
Collection Priorities
Collection priorities include continuing to buy best sellers, popular authors, award winners and titles containing subjects of current interest as well as community-relevant nonfiction subject matter. Adult, children's and young adult fiction title purchases receive a high priority. We also subscribe to a variety of popular magazines and newspapers. Some rental collections may be chosen to assist in shorter-term needs for "high demand" materials. This leasing of materials helps in reducing purchase of duplicate copies of items not planned for the permanent collection. Some materials are available to use only through licensing or subscription, and therefore the Library does not permanently own these materials.
Due to our active senior reading clientele, we purchase a variety of large print titles and a significant number of audiobooks also relevant to our mobile community. We actively contribute to our digital library consortium for our community members who take advantage of eReaders and eformats via various devices. Our local history researchers and genealogists benefit from our subscriptions to and HeritageQuest. We purchase feature films as well as documentaries in DVD formats regularly.
The library collection is in English with the exception of a collection for speakers of Spanish, which is approaching 2% of the population of Laurens County. The library will continue to gather feedback regarding how to serve this population.
Funding for collections is available from the Laurens County budget, State Aid to South Carolina Libraries, the Friends of the Library, fees and fines associated with library business, and grants received from private or public foundations or agencies.
Who does the selecting:
- Library Director—the ultimate responsibility for the selection of library materials rests with the Library Director who, although she may share this responsibility with other members of the library staff, has the authority to reject or select any item.
- Assistant Director
- Collection Development Librarian
- Children's Librarian
- Bookmobile Coordinator
Selection Decisions:
Decisions to select materials are based on evaluation and guidelines as per below:
Review of professional journals including Library Journal and Booklist in addition to other standard media sources including best seller lists such as in Publisher's Weekly, Wall Street Journal and New York Times; award book lists such as Newberry, Caldecott and the South Carolina Children's Book Awards as well as the Internet Movie Database.
- Patron requests
- Staff recommendations
- Several standing order plans based on genre or author selections are utilized, too.
- Availability of materials, price, accessibility of materials elsewhere in the area, suitability of format to library purposes, provision of alternative viewpoints, relationship and importance to collection, local interest, reputation of author, artist, publisher or producer and timelines and/or popularity of subject or title.
The criteria for evaluation of materials include considerations such as authority, scope, reliability, treatment, readability, subject interest, format, and potential use. The selection of materials for the library will take into account the unique needs and interests of the people of Laurens County. To attempt to determine what these are, past circulation, patron requests and inter-library loan records of the library will be examined, the general educational level of the county will be considered and the kinds of clubs, interest groups, business and industry, religious groups, schools, classes and demographics of residents within the county will be weighed.
The Laurens County Public Library recognizes that full, confidential and unrestricted access to information is essential for patrons to exercise their rights as citizens. The Library believes that reading, listening, and viewing are individual, private matters. While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves or their own minor children, the freedom of others to read or inquire cannot be restricted.
The library does not stand in loco parentis. Parents and guardians, not the library, have the responsibility of guiding and directing the reading, listening and viewing choices of their own minor children. Selection of adult collection materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that the items may be utilized by minors.
Labeling with "R" ratings stickers will be made for movies and TV series on DVD when so identified.
Laurens County Public Library encourages and welcomes gifts and donations to be used for the benefit of the library.
- The library accepts gifts of books, periodicals, audiobooks and DVDs with the understanding that they become the property of the library upon receipt and that the library reserves the right to decide if the materials will be added to the collection or not. Gift materials are subjected to the same criteria for addition to the collection as purchased materials. Upon request, a form of receipt will be issued for donated items, however, determination of dollar value will be left to the donor. Books and items donated to the library become public property and later cannot be removed from the library by the donor.
- Gift of money for materials: Persons making monetary donations may specify general types of item to purchase and which location to house the item. Requests will be honored as possible. Bookplates will be added for memorial or honorary gifts as requested.
- The library reserves the right to repair and rebind any book when needed or to discard any book when it is worn beyond repair or outdated.
- The library is not responsible for any books donated to the library that are later lost or damaged.
Collection Maintenance
An integral part of the book selection process is collection weeding. A systematic discarding of books and materials is necessary to keep the collection current and attractive. Criteria for weeding books include:
- Obsolete contents, theme or style.
- Worn, shabby beyond repair books and materials.
- Duplicate copies of titles that are no longer in high demand.
- Accepted professional practices as described in the CREW Manual.
Material Disposal
After books have been weeded from the Library's collection or for donated books not added to the collection, disposal of such books and items will be done as follows:
If a book is in bad condition, soiled, or is deemed to have no value in a used book sale, it will be discarded/recycled.
If book is deemed to have value in a used book sale it will be donated to the Friends of the Laurens County Library to be placed in either their ongoing sale at the Library or sold online by the bookseller hired by the Friends of the Library. Books may also be donated to other county facilities.
All funds derived from the sale of weeded or gift books will be used to support the programs and services of the Laurens County Library.
No member of the Laurens County Library staff may purchase books being offered for sale until made available to the Friends of the Library sale shelves, giving other purchasers the same opportunity to buy books as staff members. Staff members are expected to pay the same price for such sale items as members of the public.
Complaints and Censorship
Laurens County Library will uphold the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights.
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
- Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background or views of those contributing to their creation.
- Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
- Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
- A person's right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or views.
- Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; inclusion of ("age" reaffirmed January 23, 1996).
The Laurens County Public Library will follow this procedure if a patron has a complaint about library materials:
- The concerned patron will be offered the opportunity to discuss his/her concern with the supervising staff person on duty in the public area. If the patron is still dissatisfied, he/she may fill out a "Request for Reconsideration of a Book" form and submit it to the library.
- The Director will review the complaint and 'Request for Reconsideration of a Book" and will respond in writing.
- If the issue is still not resolved to the patron's satisfaction, the complaint will be taken to the Library Board along with any supporting documentation from the patron and/or the Library Director.
- The Board will review the materials and prepare a written response to the patron with the final decision.
Adopted by the Laurens County Public Library Board of Directors 10-26-2022
A hotspot is a Wi-Fi device you use to connect a mobile-enabled device to the internet. The hotspots are portable, and the service is provided on the Kajeet network. The hotspot has unlimited data but can only be used in the United States.
The Laurens County Public Library System makes hotspots available to cardholders for research, networking, homework, and recreational needs. Hotspots are provided when they are available.
Rules and Regulations
- Cardholders must be 18 or older with their library card in good standing (i.e., no late fees or lost materials)
- Hotspot checkout is limited to one per household.
- The loan period for the device is seven days and cannot be renewed.
- Patrons can place a hold on the device.
- Hotspots are available at the Circulation Desk.
- The library reserves the right to refuse service to patrons who abuse equipment or repeatedly return materials late.
- Hotspots must be returned inside the library at the circulation desk, not in the book drop. Patrons will be held responsible for damage to the item if it is returned in the book drop.
- Fines for unreturned hotspots are $1 per day and will accumulate up to the total replacement cost of $200 for a hotspot that still needs to be returned.
- If the hotspot is overdue, the hotspot services will be cut off.
- The library is not responsible for any liability, damages, or expense resulting from the use or misuse of the device.
- The cardholder assumes full responsibility for the replacement cost if the hotspot is lost, stolen, or damaged. Missing parts will result in the following charges:
- Hotspot: $200
- USB Cable: $20
- Adapter: $20
- Case: $20
- The library is not responsible for information accessed using this device. Hotspot users are encouraged to follow safe internet practices.
- The following behaviors can result in the suspension of hotspot privileges or criminal prosecution:
- Five late returns for the device will result in being permanently banned from using the device.
- Any person viewing or displaying materials that are legally considered as being obscene.
- Using the device in a way that violates federal, state, or municipal laws.
(Approved by Laurens County Public Library Board of Trustees on July 26, 2023)
- A patron who lives in Laurens County but cannot provide their address.
- Patrons that live in Laurens County in temporary housing.
- Patrons must provide a Photo ID.
- If patrons live in temporary housing, they must provide something with the address.
- Card will expire every 90 days.
- There is no cost to the patrons unless they are damaged or late returning in materials.
- Patrons can check out two items at a time.
- They will have access to computers.
- Patrons will be able to use our E-Resources.
Approved by the Laurens County Board of Trustees 10/25/23.
The library has certain items available for checkout that are not books or DVDs. Equipment is defined as kits, passes, badminton, or cornhole.
Equipment is used at the risk of the borrower. Borrowers are responsible for reading and following the manufacturer’s recommendations, warnings, and instructions.
Equipment must be returned at the circulation desk only. All equipment must be intact, clean, and in working order. All accessory items, parts, and manuals must be returned with the kits. Equipment returned inoperable, unclean, or missing parts will be assessed with a fee. If equipment is damaged or lost, borrowers agree to pay the repair or replacement cost for the items.
Approved by the Laurens County Board of Trustees 10/25/23.
The library provides fax services to the public. A fee will be charged for fax transmissions sent by the library. The library will not allow patrons to fax 30 minutes before the branch closes. At self-service stations, if a patron sends a fax before closing, staff will not wait past closing time to ensure the fax is successfully transmitted.
Laurens County Public Library System actively works towards preventing and containing bugs and eggs in all material and on library premises.
Prevention Procedure
Laurens County Public Library System recognizesall patrons and staff have a role in controlling bugs in our collections. All patrons and staff must immediatley report any sighting of live or dead bugs to the library director or managers on duty.
If staff finds evidence of bugs in materials or on library premises, we will contact pest control to determine if or where infestations exists. Any materials or areas on the premises needing treatment will be treated.
Staff Procedures
- Staff will check materials to ensure no bugs are in them.
- If signs of bugs are found, staff will immediately contain all items returned by the patron in a sealed bag. Several items may be placed in one bag.
- Items to be discarded (still in the bag) will be withdrawn from the catalog: write "discard/ beg bugs" on the Ziploc bag witha permanent marker, remove them from the inside of the building, and place them in the bookmobile garage.
- Patrons suspected of returning bug-infested materials will be notified immediately. They will be told the cost of the books.
- Place a note on the Patron's record regarding the bugs in our materials.
- Inform the Library Director or manager on duty of the infestation.
- The director or manager will contact Pest Control about the location of the bugs.
The Laurens County Public Library System values our community input.
Patrons can submit general suggestions and concerns for materials from the Library's website anytime.
Concerns about material purchases must be sent in via the Reconsideration Form (supplied at LCPL branches). Suggestions for future material purchases must be submitted to the SUGGEST AN ITEM form on the library website.
Following the written submission of a suggestion or concern, patrons can schedule time with the Library Director to provide feedback in person.
Every two years, the library will gather feedback on library services from library users and nonusers. The library will use various methods, i.e. (surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one participation).
For questions or to request accommodations, please get in touch with the library director at 864-681-7323. Please allow at least 21 business days advance notice to enable the library to provide appropriate accommodation.
A patrons’ choice of library materials is an individual matter. While patrons can reject materials for themselves, they may not restrict other library users' access to those materials.
The library recognizes that certain materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some library users. The procedures enumerated below are developed to ensure that the requests of those who disagree with the inclusion of specific items in the collection are handled in an attentive and consistent manner.
If a patron requests that an item to be withdrawn from the collection, the Library’s procedure for reconsideration will be carefully followed. A separate Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form must be filled out for each item.
The procedure for the reconsideration of library materials consists of the following:
- The patron must complete the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form. The form is only available at the circulation desks and must be returned to the Library Director. This request may not be submitted anonymously. The requestor should have a Laurens County Public Library Card.
- The Request for Reconsideration will be referred to a committee consisting of the Director, Deputy Director, and committee members to determine whether retention of the item would violate the Materials Selection Policy.
- The committee and the Library Board of Trustees will reconsider the items using the general criteria of the Materials Selection Policy and reviews from recognized sources, and then make a written decision.
- The Director will respond in writing to the patron regarding the committee’s decision. Committee members’ comments will not be attributed, although brief quotes may be used in the Director’s response.
- This decision may be appealed to the Library Board of Trustees. Such appeal shall not exceed two pages and should include copies of the original Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form. In addition, the Library Board may at its discretion, appoint an independent advisory panel to review the submission and make a recommendation. The Board shall then make the final determination of the matter, notifying the patron in writing in a timely manner.
- Patrons may only have one active reconsideration request open. Items reviewed for consideration will be considered entirely, not upon selected sections or passages.
- The completed decision to reconsider a specific title shall remain in effect for three years.
During the review process, the library will take appropriate action to ensure the item remains available.